Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tags Galore

I am a huge fan of this tool. I learned about it and opened an account last month for LIS 644. At first I wondered why this could be so great that it would be worth replacing Favorites and Bookmarks, but I am a complete convert. I tag a lot of sites and pages. Being able to categorize them with tags is the best thing that ever happened to my bookmarking ability, especially since I can assign multiple tags, then edit at will. The other great thing is that I can access my bookmarks from any computer, and since I use several computers, this is a boon. I haven't had the need to share bookmarks yet -- the social part of social bookmarking -- but if I do, that will only be icing on the cake.

Things at Technorati have apparently changed quite a bit recently, or at least since the 23 Things site put in its links and such. It sounds like they have been busy making changes to deal with the overwhelming mass of blogged information and the faux stuff masquerading as information. An authority system has just been implemented that scans blogs and ranks them for trustworthiness as the real thing, not scams. The highest ranking one as of today is the Huffington Post. You can see the Top 100 blogs (I searched for Hendrik Hertzberg and KT Horning to see how that works, but the search function was temporarily out of order), scan the vast index of popular tags, and more. Well worth exploring further. I do not want to tag any of my blog posts; they are not worthy of anyone's attention other than instructors and personal relationships who read them to see what I am doing in the time that I am not with them...

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