Monday, November 23, 2009


Like other 635ers, I abandoned the notion of creating a NetLibrary account due to technical difficulties (and yes, 23 Things Narrator, a general reluctance to create yet another user account). I did cruise through the NetLibrary website, though, to see what it was about. The "About" page says that it's the division of OCLC that provides eContent to libraries and publishers--useful for acquisitions and collection development, etc. Honestly, though, I'm not sure what this means for an individual who just wants to download a book. This doesn't seem to be the place to go for that.

Like Lori, I checked out I listen to audiobooks in the car: on road trips now, and in the past during daily commutes in Washington, DC. The public libraries have always had sufficient selections, including current YA fiction, but I can see that having a monthly account with Amazon/Audible would be one of life's little luxuries if that beastly 3-hour commute still loomed on my daily horizon. Access to whatever you wanted, when you wanted it, in pristine condition, and for as long as you wanted are the obvious advantages of purchased downloads over library lendings on scratched CDs. And much less expensive than purchasing the CDs.

Downloaded books via the library...this would take care of so many issues in the public library that I have witnessed during my practicum: missing discs in cases, damaged discs, some other disc in the case. Problems with CDs and DVDs are by far the biggest collection and patron-relations challenges I see. The expense of maintaining the collections is enormous. My director only purchases used discs now--buying them new is not worth it. And indeed, I think that audiobooks via download are available through the library, but I have never been asked about them and I haven't investigated them...something to do before I finish my practicum, and before that next road trip!

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